fiesta of Sant Joan in Ciutadella (June 18, 23 and 24) is a tradition that has been celebrated without interruption for centuries.
The characters who star in the fiestas are dressed in rigorously formal attire, and the most notable are the ones who from part of the
"Junta de Caixers". These represent the old society of Ciutadella: nobility (caixer senyor), clergy (caixer capellā), artisans (caixers
menestrals) and farmworkers (caixers pagesos). Other characters worth mentioning are "S'Homo des Be", who represents Saint
John the Baptist, and the "Flabioler" (piper) who is in charge of announcing the orders with the drum and whistle during the fiestas.
One of the most awaiting moments of the fiestas is the "El Caragol des Born", where the "jaleo" is celebrated on the eve of Saint
John. In particular the games held in the "Pla", during the afternoon of the Day of Saint John, the point of maximum attention,
especially during the "corregudes": an unimaginable show with horses and riders.