This Tuesday, 25 June, the Act of Signature of the Nomination Agreement
of the Balearic Islands as European Region of the Year 2003 took place
at the seat of the Balearic Regional Government in Palma de Mallorca.
The event was attended by the main authorities of the region.
The President of the Balearic Islands, Francesc Antich, and the President
of the European Region of the Year Organisation, Xavier Tudela, who are
photographed at the signature ceremony, signed the Agreement and emphasized
the importance of this initiative for the Balearic Islands and for the
regions of Europe as a whole.
In the next few weeks, the administrative body which will develop the
European Region of the Year Balearic Islands 2003 initiative will be set
up. Its membership will be drawn from public institutions, led by
the Regional Government, and from private bodies representing civil society.
The Balearic Islands is a region located in the Western Mediterranean.
The archipelago consists of the islands of Majorca, Minorca, Ibiza, Formentera
and other smaller islands. In total, they cover an area of 5 014
kmē, have 1 238 km of coastline, and a population of 760 000. It is
one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. Last year,
ten million people visited this region. The services sector is indisputably
the largest source of income for the Balearics.
In accordance with the verdict of an International Jury, the Balearic
Islands will share the nomination as European Region of the Year 2003 with
Republic of Karelia (Russia). A similar event to the one held today
in Palma de Mallorca will be held shortly in Petrozavodsk, capital of Karelia,
and will officially confirm the nomination of that Republic, which is part
of the Russian Federation, as European Region of the Year 2003.
Any region of Europe may aspire to be nominated the European Region
of the Year. Regions that wish to obtain this nomination must submit their
candidature, at the appropriate time in the prescribed form, to the office
of the promoting organisation in Barcelona, following the planned schedule.
The period for submission of candidatures to be nominated European Region
of the Year 2004 will end on 30 September this year.