Enric Majoral Castells settled on Formentera, originally from the Catalan
town Sabadell, in 1973 and started as a self-taught artist in the
art of jewellery making. The travelling fairs were the first place where
he sold his jewellery, going on within a few years to participating in
exhibitions and international fairs, establishing a network of his own
shops and franchises.
Majoral's original and vanguard jewellery are in demand, because of
their pure and simple lines, the natural materials, the gentle volumes
and authentic colours. Majoral believes that making jewels is a means to
living and a way of life and understanding jewels as a basic element in
creating a personal image and a symbol of present day culture.
Formentera has two "Majoral spaces", one on La Mola and another
in Sant Francesc. Majoral's other shops are to be found in Barcelona,
Manresa, Girona and Valencia.
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