Castells is the author of the virtual opening lesson for the course
2001-02 of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (
Professor Castells begins the lesson, "
libertad y sociedad: una perspectiva analítica", with the following
question: Can the Internet be controlled?
The lesson has opened a debate that will be held during the whole of
October from the web of the UOC. The conference is structured in five parts:
1) Free communication and power control; 2) The freedom culture as Internet
developer; 3) Hackers, crackers, security and freedom; 4) The Spanish experience
in Internet ruling; 5) Encryptation.
Professor Manuel Castells has joined the UOC, after 21 years of work
at the University of California, Berkeley, as Professor of Sociology and
Professor of City and Regional Planning. In the last years he has published
the trilogy "The Information Age": 1st volume, "The Rise of the Network
Society" ; 2nd volume, "The Power of Identity"; 3rd volume, "End of Millennium".
The trilogy is translated into Spanish, French, Swedish, Chinese,
Portuguese, Russian, Korean, Japanese, Croatian, Bulgarian, Turkish
and German.