The councillor for Environment of the Council of Eivissa and Formentera,
Fany Tur, has opened today the training days on "Energies renovables
i estalvi energètic", organised by the Agencia de Energía
de las Pitiüses. The days, aimed at the general public, have the objective
of informing on environment implications of the present energetic model
and the alternatives that the renewable energy and energy savings represent.
The days have two editions. The first in the Council of Eivissa
and Formentera on October 22, 23 and 24 from 5 to 8 p.m. and the second
on Formentera, at the Hostal Rosales de Es Pujols, on October 25 and 26,
from 4 to 8 p.m.
The inscription is free and can be made:
- Personally at the Agencia de Energía de las Pitiüses,
Avenida Espanya, 49 - 3ª planta.
- By Fax, via 93 848 42 92
- By e-mail: