The Balearic University (
UIB), together with the Fundació Universitat Empresa (
FUEIB) and the
Balearic Government, created
in 1996, the
Laboratori d'Infografía - LADAT, situated in the
Mathematics and Computer Studies Department at the UIB. Besides carrying out tasks of investigation and production, the LADAT is a centre specialising in training in the area of audiovisual
The LADAT holds since its creation the prestigious Master de Animación por Ordenador y Síntesis de Imágenes MA ISCA,
directed by the professor Juan Montes de Oca. This lasts a natural year and is aimed at the creation of short films animated by
computer. The first edition was in 1991 and since then, the students' work has obtained numerous prizes and awards in the most
important international film festivals for shorts animated by computer.
The last prize received was at the I edition of ANIMADRID, a festival held last December in Madred, for "Acces Denied" by
Xavier Roig, who carried out the short as a pupil of the Master in 1999. The prize received, called Versión Española, was given
to him by the team of the television programme of the same name on TVE channel 2. The prize is the showing of the short film in
the same programme, which takes place on Tuesday, January 16 at 10.30 p.m. As well as broadcasting "Acces Denied" the
director and compere of the programme, the actress Cayetan Guillén Cuervo, will interview the author, Xavier Roig.
"Acces Denied" tells the story of Chucky, a youngster who goes to an important concert. He must catch the underground to get
there, but a new security system gets in his way.
Photo: Image from the short "Acces Denied" by Xavier Roig