The "Web dels Apunts" is an original initiative that has appeared as the result of an end of career project by Juli Bibiloni, a
student of economics at the UIB. The idea is to put into practice the basic aspects of electronic commerce via the creation of a
web for the sale and purchase of university notes. The "Web dels Apunts" is an intermediary for all those pupils who need
some clear and tidy (typed) class notes and all those who have this kind of notes and are prepared to pass them on in exchange
for a small retribution. The service is also open to pupils who are prepared to pass on their notes freely, and to build a large
notice board of class notes (free and paying).
The web offers other useful services for students of the UIB, such as an application to send postcards with photographs of the
University, a mail list, a chat room and much more.
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