Banca March has renovated its presence on Internet this month. The
new web for the Bank presents full information in Catalan, Spanish,
English and German about the services and financial products offered to
private customers, businesses, liberal professionals, foreign customers,
and about the so called Private Bank, directed towards customers, who
because of the size of their business, need special attention.
The new web, besides institutional information, relates and offers
details of the commercial network of the entity, with over 120 branches
in the Balearics, over 30 in the Canaries, one in Madrid, one in
Barcelona and one in London. Other important sections are the
informative bulletin Euro Actualidad and those dedicated to the March
Group and the Museu d'Art Espanyol Contemporani of the Juan March
The main novelty presented by the Banca March is the Open Bank service
that permits customers of the bank to carry out current operations and
to have complete information about their accounts, investments, credit
cards and the other products, via a web accessible on Internet. The new
electronic bank service is already operative but will not be available
to customers until September or October of this year. At the moment,
the "testers" are trying out the new application and checking the system
to be able to offer a service that guarantees the security and privacy of
their customers.