The Balearic local minister for Agriculture and Fisheries, Joan Mayol, held a meeting in Madrid with the State Minister of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Food, Miguel Arias Caņete, to express the critical situation caused by the drought and the negative effects of the
insularity on the agricultural economy of the Islands.
In the course of the meeting, Joan Mayol asked Arias Caņete to apply a series of urgent measures to overcome the effects of the
drought, such as the advance payment of the community aid, exception aid for the transport of fodder for animals, exemption from
the rustic and fishing rates (IBI), exemption from the Agricultural Social Security payments, new fiscal reduction for the Income Tax
Campaign 2000, and aid for certified seed for sowing.
The new head of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food accepted to study the application of the majority of the petitions made by the
Autonomous Executive and to give an answer within 15 days.
As far as the disadvantages suffered by the agriculturists and animal farmers are concerned, the Minister, Miguel Arias Caņete
admitted the limits in competetivity that the insular fact causes for the exploitations, stressing the need to work together in the
search of solutions.
Gabinet de Comunicaciķ del Govern de les Illes Balears