Softcatalà has just presented the 4.7 version in Catalan of the Netscape Communicator known as "The Navigator" for
the operative system Unix. This version is available for more than sixteen different versions of Unix, including the popular system
Linux. Softcatalà is a nonlucrative association that works for the normalisation of the Catalan language in the computer sector
related to Internet. The association maintains on the net a meeting point dedicated specifically to the Linux operative system Linux that concentrates all the applications that have been developed until
now in Catalan for Linux, and with this new version of the navigator the association shows its support to the environment of the Linux
open code.
MallorcaWeb collaborates with Softcatalà as its official mirror, offering the download of all the programmes translated by the
association. And also, the new version for Linux, and also other versions of The Navigatgor for Windows and Marc, can be
downloaded from the Anonymous FTP server for MallorcaWeb or from any of the servers that are found on
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